5.5 Setting credential numbers

You can use the Credential Number Per Device option to enforce a unique credential number for every device issued, whether or not a CredNo value is supplied in the Lifecycle API.

To set the Credential Number Per Device option:

  1. From the Configuration category, select Operation Settings.
  2. On the Devices tab, set the following option:

    • Credential Number Per Device – set this option to Xu48 – this is the controlling field for a standard PIV installation of MyID. When this is set, each device issued by MyID is given a unique credential number from a DeviceCredNo sequence, which starts at value 1.

      If you set this flag to a blank value:

      • If a credential number is supplied through the Lifecycle API and a card request is made through the Lifecycle API, then the supplied credential number is used. MyID makes no effort to ensure this is a unique value.
      • If a card request is made through a workflow in MyID, then the credential number is set to a unique number from a CredNo sequence, which starts at value 250000 for new installations. Any credential number supplied through the Lifecycle API is lost.
      • If a card request is made through the Lifecycle API, but the CredNo is not supplied, then card issuance will fail.
  3. Click Save changes.